Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 2010 Newsletter

This Month's Features

Membership Dues Renewal

Time is Running Out!

The 2010 dues invoice/directory update has been sent to all members.  Don't allow your membership to expire.  Any membership that remains unpaid at the end of this month will automatically move to inactive status. However, there's still time to  Renew Your Membership

March Legislative Update

Latest Updates from the Gold Dome

Click here to read the latest update from the state Capitol.  The General Assembly will be in recess all of this week, but will return for four days of work beginning on March 8th.  We are more than halfway through the session this year, so these next few weeks will be crucial to see what happens as relates to the budget, transportation and water.

Connect with GEDA!

Are you a "fan" of GEDA?  Are you Linked with us?  Do you follow our Tweets?

Other Upcoming Events

Calendar Items from Our Partners

Entrepreneur Summit - March 2-3

Fanning Institute Development Authority Board Training - March 10-11

GACCE Staff Clinic - March 16-18

NBA "The Big Deal" - March 23-24

Georgia Logistics Summit - April 29

The End of the Wilson Era

A Farewell to Chevelle

As I am sure everyone is now fully aware, Chevelle Wilson has decided to move on from GEDA.  After over seven years of very loyal and dedicated service to GEDA, Chevelle will be moving on to a GREAT opportunity!  I know that this was a difficult decision for her, but in the end - I know that she did was in her best interest, both personally and professionally.  Because of everything that she has done for all of us and everything she has meant to the Association, we will certainly miss her, but also wish her nothing but luck in her new endeavors.  Chevelle begins working on Monday, March 1 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.  I am pretty sure that she does NOT have the keys to the vault where they store all of the money!

GEDA asks that you please be patient during this transition period.  As of now, GEDA will have one staff member until the position can be filled.  (And trust me - a lot of work has happened in the last two weeks to fill the position as quickly as possible and with the best possible candidate.)  Also - even when a new Manager, Member Services comes on board, there will certainly be a learning period with the new hire.  Keep watching your email for updates as we move along.  Rest assured - GEDA will do everything that we can so that your member experience is just as strong as ever!

Get Your Rooms for Spring Workshop!

Jekyll Island Club Hotel

The room block at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel is NOW OPEN!  We have a limited number of rooms available at our host property, so act fast to make sure you can stay with us.  Call 1-800-535-9547 to book your room today.  Make sure to tell them you're with GEDA to get our GREAT rates (as low as $115 a night!)

Spring Workshop will take place from May 19-21, 2010.  We do have rooms available on Tuesday night as well, for those of you that might like to get there a day early.(And we'll have sessions starting right after lunch on Wednesday.  You don't want to miss what JoAnne Lewis and her committee have planned!)  We should have registration available for the Workshop very soon - so keep watching your email for more information.  

I do not want to spoil the fun when we unveil the theme and logo in the next few weeks, but as a teaser - you will be amazed at the ideas that we have to help you ride the wave to recovery.                                                         


Award Winners and Board/Committee Chair Nominees

GEDA has a few opportunities coming up for you to nominate your fellow GEDA member!  It is never too early to start thinking about who you think should be rewarded for their service to economic development and to GEDA.  Go to our Awards Page to learn about GEDA's awards - let us know if you think you have the perfect candidate for one of these awards!  Send an email to the Special Service Awards Committee - and make sure to give documentation as to WHY this person is so deserving!

We will also soon begin our discussions about the future leadership of GEDA.  Each summer, the Nominating Committee meets to determine who they feel should be presented to the membership as our Officers and Directors for the coming years.  They spend a great deal of time and thought discussing the candidates and striving to find the best leaders possible.  They also rely on nominations from the membership.  So - please let us know who you feel would make a good officer ... a good Director ... a good Committee Chair.  Your recommendations (as long as they are in support of a current GEDA member in good standing) will make it to the Nominating Committee and WILL be discussed.

Email us at to let us know who you think belongs on the Board!

Upcoming Events

March 15, 2010 - Monthly Luncheon, Hotel Palomar
Register today!  Early Bird deadline expires THIS Friday, March 5th!

April 19, 2010 - Monthly Luncheon, Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre

May 19-21, 2010 - Spring Workshop, Jekyll Island, GA

GEDA 101 Session - and Website Walkthrough

Are you new to GEDA?  Economic Development?  Are you looking for ways to get involved with the Association, but just don't yet know how to navigate the waters?  How about the website?  Is it confusing?  Do you wish there was a way that you could gain a better understanding of the site and all of its' features?

We have an aswer for ALL of those questions!  The Membership Services Committee will host a "GEDA 101" class right after the March Luncheon.  It will be held on March15th at 2PM in the Georgia EMC Conference Room (7th Floor of the Centergy Building.)  Contact Niki Knox with any questions.

Also part of the same session will be a brief overview of - you'll get some tips, tricks and insider knowledge about the website and how best to use it.  Best of all - there will be plenty of time to ask questions about whatever has been bugging you about the site.

Welcome New Members

Joe Burnett - Downtown Management Services, LLC

Barbra Coffee, CEcD - City of College Park

Bill Gilbert - H.A. Sack Company

Heidi Jeffers - Screven County Chamber of Commerce

Chunk Newman - Batson-Cook Construction

Samantha Pegues (student) - University of West Georgia