Monday, December 7, 2009

December 2009 Newsletter

Featured articles

Happy Holidays

On behalf of the Staff and Board of Directors of GEDA, we wish you a happy, healthy and joyous holiday season.  In observance of the upcoming holidays, please note that the GEDA Office will be closed on December 24-25, 2009 and January 1, 2010. 

Connect to GEDA

Easiest Way to Receive Updates

Real Simple Synidcation (RSS) feeds are now available for this new version of the GEDA Gazette.  At the very bottom of this screen, you will seen several words - one of them is "RSS."  Click on RSS and you will go to a sign up page for the RSS feeds.  Once there, you can name the feed, place it in a folder, etc.  Once you have finished this - whenever a new Gazette is published, it will automatically appear in your RSS Feed folder (which is in Microsoft Outlook for many people.)  This is the easiest and quisckest way to get the LATEST updates from GEDA!

A Look Back at 2009

As we approach the end of another year, let us take a look at the positive accomplishments of 2009. The members and volunteers of GEDA have continued to make GEDA a strong and vital association.  Our valued members are key in continuing to make us THE  premiere economic development association in Georgia.   We can proudly say that we have survived and thrived during an economic downturn.  An upgrade to luncheon programs resulted in an overall increase of attendance.  An increase in sponsorship revenue allowed us to have a financially successful Spring Worship and Annual Conference.  Our willingness to be flexible and revelant has proven to bring us beneficial relationships and partnerships.  Unfortunately, we lost members due to budget restraints, however we have creatively approached ways to still recruit, retain and re-gain members.  There were also many other behind-the-scenes adminstrative endeavors that allowed the staff to be more efficient in bringing the best updates and  information to our members by utilizing technology trends.   And now, as we approach another year, GEDA officers, directors and committee chairs have been charged with focusing on significant goals that will continue to make the association even better.  Please continue to support GEDA programs and give us constructive input regarding what you would like to see in 2010.

Membership Renewals

All members should have recently received an e-mail entitled 2010 Dues Invoice and Directory Update.  The e-mail includes your membership status (as indicated in our files), the four types of membership,  and all of your contact information as it is now listed in the membership directory.  This is a process that we conduct annually and it is to be used as a method of invoicing for renewals AS WELL AS confirming and updating your contact information.  Although some members have already paid 2010 dues or have special arrangements or situations regarding dues payment, we ask that you please review the docudment to make sure our records reflect the most accurate information.  Please contact the GEDA office if you have any corrections or questions.  We value your membership and we hope that your renewal and continued participattion in GEDA will be beneficial to your professional development and networking experience. 

Report from the Dubai Air Show

Morgan Law received one of the International Missions Scholarships and shares his experiences while in Dubai

Thanks to the generosity of GEDA, the Houston County Development Authority (HCDA) was able to participate in its first ever international trade mission to the Dubai Air Show in November 2009. As the home of the United States Air Force Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, aerospace is a key industry sector and target for Warner Robins and Middle Georgia which makes the Dubai show an extremely attractive marketing opportunity. Participating in aerospace trade shows is a standing component of the HCDA’s marketing plan. We have previously exhibited cooperatively with Bibb and Dodge Counties at three domestic aerospace trade shows and this was our first opportunity to join an international trade show.  Click here to read the full article.

Legislative Session Begins Soon!

Mark your calendars for the GEDA Legislative Reception on January 14, 2010

The Georgia General Assembly will reconvene on January 11, 2010 for the second year of this two-year cycle. As you know – the General Assembly works on a two-year calendar for bills and resolutions. Any bill or resolution brought forth last year can still be discussed in 2010.

One of the main focal points in GEDA’s Mission Statement is that of Public Policy in Georgia. We develop a new list of goals and priorities each year and strive to ensure that all members of the General Assembly are aware of the wants, needs, issues and concerns of Georgia’s economic development community.  Click here to read the full article.

Upcoming Events

January 14, 2010 - Legislative Reception, Rail Depot.

February - No Program

March 15, 2010 - Monthly Luncheon, Location TBD

Welcome New Members

E. Jane Caraway, GA Dept. of Economic Development

Robert Bennett, Augusta Economic Development Authority

Judy Madden, Eastman-Dodge County Chamber of Commerce

Committee Updates

Scholarships Available

Professional Development Committee:

A key part of GEDA’s mission is the professional development and continuing education of its members. To promote this effort, GEDA will award $15,000 in scholarships, sponsorships and grants during 2010.  Visit the Professional Development Committeepage to view scholarship opportunites as wel as applications and deadlines.

Award Nominations

Special Service Awards Committee: Committee Chair, Andrea Schruijer would like to be proactive this year in soliciting nominations for special service awards.  So many communities become so heavily involved in their work that they miss out on the recognition that they deserve.  And there are some volunteers who deserve to be honored for their dedication and committment to the economic development of their communities.  Start reviewing the qualifications of Deal of the Year and Volunteer of the Year and consider a deserving project or professional that would be a worthy recipient.  Visit the Special Service Awards Committee page for more information.